What would they bring to the world if they were Wonder Woman” by Rivka Bezalel”

Man expresses himself to a very small degree when he speaks for himself. Give him a cover and he will tell you the truth.”. (Oscar Wilde)”
,Rivka Bezalel is a multidisciplinary artist involving various modes of expression, including photography, painting, sculpture, design, writing
video installations and bodywork. “I don’t make art but I channel all my resources and skills into places that allow me to be art.” Rivka Bezalel has exhibited in various exhibitions in Israel and around the world, where among all the projects presented there is a distinct conceptual sequence and a connection that connects link to link in the work of building bridges between hearts. “The purpose of my projects is to bring people closer together and make them reach a moment of enlightenment, of beauty and innocence, a moment when the feeling that the
individual is a part of the whole is crystallized, a moment when he takes responsibility for spreading unity in his own way
I believe that moments like this cause a change in the heart and consciousness even unwittingly. This is how I fulfill my purpose.”
“When I’m Wonder Woman then…”That’s the name of the exhibition here today
Rivka Bezalel explains: “The project was born following an in-depth study of the world of clothing and costumes. The clothing a person chooses
to wear works physiologically and affects our emotion automatically. The word costume is from the language of search, freedom and discovery of the hidden and allows the hidden parts within us to be revealed while wearing it”
The costume chosen for the project shown here today is that of Wonder Woman, a fictional superhero character created by William Moulton Marston, an educational consultant and prison psychologist. She is the most famous female superhero in DC Comics ‘ fictional universe and possesses superhuman abilities that strive to bring peace, love and brotherhood to a torn and alienated world
“During the project, I reach the women, each of whom wants to be photographed, dress them in costume and allow the costume to work on them, and then film the women giving Wonder Woman’s gifts to the world. …When you’re Wonder Woman then.. “Close your eyes, connect with the costume and when you feel like the costume wants to speak through you, tell us what you’ll bring to the world when you’re Wonder Woman.” This is how every video in this project begins.”
We chose to present the project in a gallery that connects traditional tribal art with contemporary art, being a universal project that speaks and connects all women around the world
The exhibition is dedicated to Dr. Shelley Goldberg, a writer and lecturer on Jewish thought, Kabbalah and Hasidism. Grace woman. Mother and true friend. Live the world of matter and its tasks. The need to engage with introspection. The body with the soul and expose man to the deep answers of human thought.
Dr. Galia Duchin Arieli-The Gallery of Tribal Art & Contemporary Art
Tel. 055-9230022 Bly Hamalacha Center 13 in Tel Aviv

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